What: Patching workshop
When: Friday, April 4, 4 pm
Where: Earth House
John Hall, Director of the Jonah Center for Earth and Art and Minister at First Church of Christ, Congregational, will offer some thoughts to spark a conversation about human nature, including our tendencies to form tribes, innovate, cheat, aspire to ideals, and feel compassion. What are the prospects for successful adaptation to the human-caused ecological crisis? What is the basis for hope?What: Dirt Lecture
Everyone should go check out the new Take a Bag, Leave a Bag rack (it's an old nytimes rack in disguise) outside of Weshop.
Go and recycle those paper bags you have hanging around in your room so they can be reused and spread the word about this program. The goal is to really reduce the number of paper bags Weshop has to order each month.
So far, Gina Yeomans and I wrote a proposal for Intro to Environmental Studies about divesting from K-C, submitted it to Weshop, and they are so cooperative - when we got back from break they were gone! We have alternative products, and we did before anyway. Next step : I am currently in touch with a Greenpeace rep, and she helped me find companies that make alternative products for replacing our public facilities and dormitories' paper products! I am meeting with purchasing and waste committee representatives (the facilities managers are on waste) about this. Today I gave them info on K-C's sustainable and unsustainable practices, policies, etc. There is a CNN Money article "Chain of Lies" about K-C misleading the public, etc. We have a contract with K-C, and I haven't heard back about when it expires.. but Jeff Miller upgraded our products, although still K-C, to those with the highest recycled fiber content. I also interviewed with some random online reporter/journalist for Inside Higher Ed about the work on campus. I keep getting random calls from people like that and students at other universities - Berkeley this week - for advice and alternative products.I couldn't find the CNN article, but here is an Argus article about Aurora and Gina's work, here's a Greenpeace blog entry about it, and here's a blurb on the Kleercut website.