Monday, February 26, 2007

Elisa's Super-Nifty Guide to Composting at Wesleyan

HOW TO COMPOST on campus:
1. Get a bucket with a lid (eg. from Dave the Grill Man at Mocon)
2. Email for a nifty sticker or put a sign on your bucket that all food waste except meat and dairy can go in
3. Every week or two (before your dorm/house/apartment mates get annoyed by the smell) put your bucket in one of the following places:
-Foss Hill (Weds, Fri): Fauver Frosh trash enclosure (to the right of the entrance)
-WestCo trash enclosure (to the left of Weshop)
-Butts(Mon, Fri): Behind Summerfields (the loading dock around the back) or email acasale and Ashley will pick it up from your hall
-Program/Senior Houses: Any of the above(note the right days) or the black, backyard composting containers behind the Bayit, Outhouse, Earth House or Well-being House (any day!)
4. If you put your bucket out in the morning, come back late afternoon It will be waiting for you where you left it, most probably clean.
5. Repeat steps 3-5.

With any questions, email!
Thank you! The worms appreciate it. Or they will when the ground is no longer frozen.

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