Monday, August 4, 2008

Website Review: Treehugger

(image from the Treehugger about page)
Treehugger (affiliated with the Discovery Channel and Planet Green) is an enormous resource for pretty much everything related to the environment. It can get extremely overwhelming (so much so that in the About section, there's a 12-step program to help you most effectively use the site...), but it's possible to narrow down the content with categories like Design + Architecture, Food + Health, Science + Technology, etc under the "Get Informed" section at the top. If your attention span is fully charged, this is a great resource for information from How to Green your Sex Life to the latest on ocean acidification. They also have a separate website called Hugg, which is a blog of "user-submitted green news."

I'll leave you with picture of Bill Nye the Science Guy (because we all know I think he's bomb):Here's an interview with him on Treehugger.

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