Saturday, October 11, 2008

Article: Is immigration an ecoissue?

I came across this article while cruising through online news this morning.

It brings a lot to the table and could make for quite the discussion.... I'd like to hear what people think.

[This is a world map showing carbon emissions from 2000. Check out all the different ways you can see the world @]

On a similar note, I'm reading an amazing book right now called Hope's Edge, which is Frances Moore Lappé's follow-up from Diet for a Small Planet. In Hope's Edge, Lappé and her daughter travel around the globe meeting with a variety of people who are trend-bending in the face of so much that's wrong with the world. The book's a few inches thick but an easy, enjoyable read, so if anyone wants to borrow it when I'm done, let me know. It's for sale at Broad Street, too. If your optimism and hope ever need a boost, this is the book for you!
[formatting edits: alex, 10/12]

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