Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Environmental Tip of the Week

Tell at least one person a fact about recycling aluminum or work up the nerve to say this at the beginning of a class (I recommend asking the teacher if you are not on good terms with them...)

Here is a list to choose from:

- Americans throw away our entire commercial air fleet’s worth of aluminum every 3 months

- It can take 500 years for just one aluminum can to decompose.


+ Recycling that single aluminum can saves the amount of energy to light one 100 watt bulb for 20 hours or run a TV for 3 hours.
+ A recycled 12oz. can saves the energy equivalent of 6oz. of gasoline.

+ A recycled aluminum can reappears on the shelf as a brand new coke can in about 90 days.

Go EON Go!


These facts are quotes taken directly from: www.utenvironment.org/founding/dorm%20recycling%20guide.doc

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