Thursday, December 27, 2007

Fuel Efficiency

Lately there's been a lot in the news about fuel efficiency. About a week ago (on Wednesday, Dec. 19th) Bush signed an energy bill that, among other things, increases fuel efficiency for cars, SUVs, and small trucks to 35 mpg by 2020 (today's standard is 27.5 mpg for cars and 22.2 for trucks and SUVs). The bill also "requires refineries to increase the use of ethanol from about 6 billion gallons a year this year to 36 billion gallons by 2022 and mandates that by then at least 21 billion gallons are to come from feedstocks other than corn" (that's from the NYT article). That sounds pretty awesome to me--I'm pretty much of the mindset that diversification of fuels is the way to go.

So basically it was a good Wednesday...except that on that same Wednesday the EPA denied California and a bunch of other states (including Connecticut) the right to set their own emissions standards (see another NYT article). EPA Administrator Johnson justified the denial by saying "'The Bush administration is moving forward with a clear national solution, not a confusing patchwork of state rules,' he said. 'I believe this is a better approach than if individual states were to act alone.'" In short, a bunch of people were kinda pissed about that (if you are, too, click here to send an email to Johnson).

I guess it's sortof interesting that on the one hand, it's great that legislation that increases fuel standards passed...but on the other hand the passage of that bill is being used to justify denial of individual states' efforts (which would end up increasing fuel standards more than the national bill does). Hmm...

In any case, on the topic of fuel efficiency, over Christmas my brother showed me a really cool article about this crazy amazing mechanic from Kansas named Jonathan Goodwin. Apparently, he's some kind of car genius who modifies cars and trucks such that they become ridiculously fuel efficient. He added a jet engine to a Hummer so that it gets 60 miles to the gallon and 600 horsepower (I think Hummers usually get 9 miles to the gallon). It's "like a Prius on steroids." Anyway, if there's one link you click in this post make it this's sortof a long story but definitely worth it.

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