Friday, January 18, 2008


Check it ouuuuuut:

From the CFA website:
Festival 2008
Saturday, May 10, 12-5pm
Veteran’s Park: Located just off Newfield Street (Route 3)
Middletown, CT
Free admission

Copresented by Wesleyan University’s Center for the Arts and Environmental Studies Program, the Jonah Center for Earth and Art and the City of Middletown

Feet to the Fire will assemble a diverse array of artists (you), scientists and other thinkers to address the environmental challenges that face us today on a global scale and in our own communities. Enjoy performances, art and music by campus and regional artists, while learning about the impact of climate change on our world. Award-winning choreographer Ann Carlson will premiere a new site-specific work commissioned by the Festival. The Festival also features interactive displays and exhibits on energy conservation and sustainability by environmental scientists and a farmer’s market with local organic food vendors.

If you're interested, download the artist submission form. You can also go to the CFA website and get it from there (you have to scroll down about halfway to find the blurb).

Student Forum
There's also a student forum related to the festival. It's called Environmental Art: Artistic Responses to Global and Local Environmental Issues. It'll basically be a study of visual and movement-based artworks relating to the environment (including earthworks and more socially conscious projects), along with whatever the people in the class want to study. The end project is a piece for the festival that you get credit for...! Email me (aprovo@wes) for more info.

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