Thursday, December 6, 2007

Particularly relevant green gifts

The particularly relevant part is kindof a joke...but maybe not. Anyway, I subscribe to this daily tip thing from Ideal Bite (tagline: "a sassier shade of green"). It's green gifts week, and I couldn't resist sharing this one:

Gifts for Hipsters: What do you get for the person who is cooler than you could possibly hope to be?

The Bite
That they'll actually like, we mean. Finding gifts for hipsters can be harder than scoring tix to an M.I.A. concert (translation: "near impossible"), but we tracked down a few gifts that should garner more than that trademark blank stare from hipper-than-thou friends.

The Benefits
  • Cool gifts (and not just in a metaironic sense). Help your friends keep their place at the very top of the [enter Lower East Side or other hipster 'hood here] scene.
  • Fewer pesticides. Choose gifts with sustainable materials, like organic cotton (1/3 of the world's pesticides are used for the production of regular cotton).
  • Smaller landfills. Some companies incorporate reused materials, such as recycled leather. People with fixed-gear bikes love that stuff.
Personally Speaking
Toshio has dreams about moving to Echo Park, getting an asymmetrical haircut, and listening to Grizzly Bear B-sides on vinyl for hours on end. Then he wakes up and realizes that he can't afford the right jeans.

Wanna Try?
Okay, usually they have a list of products/services in this section, but the funny part about the tip was the fact that it's a tip entitled "Hipster Gifts."

Here are my favorite parts:
If 10,000 Biters (people who use the website...yeah, I know) gift an organic T-shirt instead of a nonorganic one, we'll avert the weight of 22 hipsters in pesticides.

In 2003, the NY Times reported that Pabst Blue Ribbon was the fastest-growing domestic beer brand due to its adoption by the hipster community. (I'm not gonna lie, I've never really thought of PBR as a "hipster drink...")

Here is the tip in its full glory
(including the gift recommendations)

1 comment:

MickStevans said...

PBR, Hipster?

If interested in Organic Holiday Cookies made from scratch, they are available for Christmas time, visit I think they only ship baked goods in the usa though...

Additionally their slogan is, "Ending world hunger, One Bite at a Time", and are donating 10% of sales to Gleaners Community Food Bank and Other Charities...

The Cookies are just delightful, it is rare to find made from scatch, delicious Christmas Cookies and Wildflours has them. Check it out, also they care Gluten reduced and other organic products, cool place...