Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Yes, it's happening. We'll be showing Planet-effing-Earth tomorrow (Wednesday) evening in Shanklin 107. Two episodes will be screened at 8 and at 9. Come to one or both! Seriously, this is going to be amazing. Planet Earth on a relatively big screen?! Yes, that qualifies as amazing in my proverbial book. If you've ever wanted to be in EON, if you're signed up for the listserv but don't go to meetings, if you want to be in EON for one night and one night only, THIS is the EON meeting to go to. Check this out for more about Planet Earth.

Where: Shanklin 107
When: Wednesday, 12/12 at 8 and 9 pm

1 comment:

Kamagra said...

superb! is the only word that I can describe my feeling about this, this program have all the you need to know about our planet in the current era.