Saturday, September 29, 2007

President's Climate Commitment

In case you're not on the listserv (which is fine), Bekka and Sarah emailed out this really important information about environmental concerns at Wes:

Some of you might have seen President Michael Roth's recent blog post on global warming (if not, check it out now!!)

EON has been working hard to encourage the President to sign the President's Climate Commitment, a national movement among universities to move towards sustainability with the eventual goal of carbon neutrality.

President Roth has agreed to review the commitment and deliver his response by November 15. In the meantime, EON is trying to show Roth that the student body (you!) greatly supports his signing of this commitment and cares deeply about sustainability and Wesleyan's role as a responsible institution.

EON has been in touch with leadership from the Commitment, who believe that the best way to get Roth to sign is to show overwhelming positive student support. ***Please post responses on Roth's blog showing appreciation for his comments.*** We are excited that he is clearly taking this matter to heart and we would like to encourage him to take substantial action. We believe that positive comments, rather than challenging or antagonistic remarks, will be most helpful.

Jacob has provided this simple one-liner in case you don't want to write your own:

"I am concerned about the environment and I want to see Wesleyan become greener by signing the Presidents Climate Commitment. Thank you!"

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